Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Obbessed with BLOGS

So some people use Facebook as their time suck, others watch reality TV and I..well I read blogs. Almost an embarrassing number of blogs. I have decided to dedicate today's post to a few of my favorite ways to waste time, daydream at work and get some good information.

So I love great home designs and think Apartment Therapy is just an all around great site. It is pretty often that I see a home tour on this site that is in my own neighborhood. There are of course profiles of the most amazing lofts in Tribeca, as well. AT has spun off several other super fun cousin blogs such as Oddeedoh, which is cool design for kids.

Who doesn't love Etsy? But I have to admit, even as an avid blog reader, I often get lost in the vast blogosphere of this site. So along came Etsystalker and my life has changed. To be totally transparent, this author of this site is also my blog mentor. Shout out to Julie here.

Mom Blogs:
So many in this category that I am often overwhelmed...but to mention a few in this genre..mamapedia and cool mom picks. I honestly don't think these are the best, but I enjoy the ones where real people post everyday questions and then other moms can post answers. I often prefer these to the so-called, "parent expert". Cool Mom Picks shows me the coolest stuff that all the Wicker Park hipsters get their kids.

Food Blogs:
My most favorite of writers. There has been an explosion in this category, added to my recent repertoire. I adore Gluten Free Girl. She is so fun and of course reminds me that being GF doesn't mean I can't eat and cook good food. Her recent post about the top 10 cook books of the year had me drooling! I even sent the link to my husband with a note..."Hint for Hannukah!"

Anyone here read Smitten Kitchen? Umm, hello the most wonderful brisket I have ever eaten (sorry mom!). She is great and love that she talks about her kitchen failures as well.

And then there's Heidi and Dorie. Heidi from 101 Cookbooks is beautiful, artistic and cooks yummy, uber healthy and vegetarian food. Dorie Greenspan is a living legend. No more information necessary. Hint: Check out Dorie's fantastic recipe for a baked pumpkin. Not gluten free, but definitely worth cheating for this one.

So there you have it a sampling of how I spend my time, hope you find them as fun and time wasting as I do. Feel free to send me some of your favorite blogs.


  1. Sadly, I read every one of those blogs. It's no wonder we're such good friends.
